Prenatal - 3 years
Home-based Early Head Start
Parents are their children’s first and most influential teachers. Washtenaw Intermediate School Districts’ Early Head Start program utilizes the Parents as Teachers curriculum to achieve four primary goals:
Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices.
Provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues.
Prevent child abuse and neglect.
Increase children’s school readiness and school success.
Through direct, meaningful partnerships with families, we develop parenting and developmental goals to support infants, toddlers, and their parents in their daily lives.
Complete an interest form today to find out if you and your child are eligible for high quality home-based programming at no cost to you!
If you have any questions you may contact Bahjee Chea at (734) 994-8100 x 3077.
Please note this is only an interest form. It does not guarantee acceptance or immediate enrollment in the Early Head Start Program.
Early Head Start Parent Handbook 2022-2023 Program Year
Early On - Birth to Age 3
Early On is Michigan's system for helping infants and toddlers, birth to age 3 and their families who have developmental delays or are at risk for delays due to certain health conditions. It's designed to help families find the social, health, and educational services that will promote the development of their infants and toddlers with special needs. Early On emphasizes early identification and early referral to enhance the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities, to minimize their potential for delay, and to recognize the significant brain development that occurs during a child's first three years of life.
If you have concerns or questions about your infant or toddler's growth, learning or social development, don't worry, but don't wait. You are entitled to a free evaluation through Early On (age 0-3). REQUEST AN EVALUATION for your infant or toddler.
What can I expect if my child is eligible for services?
Research has changed what Early On services should look like today. No longer should your home visit involve a provider taking a toy bag to your home to work directly with your child. We know that is not how your child learns best. Children learn best from their parents and caregivers in everyday activities - like diapering, bathing, eating meals, dressing, shopping and playing with siblings. You know your child best, so you and your Early On provider will be working closely together on each home visit to figure out learning opportunities in your daily activities. Our focus is to support you in helping your child learn and participate in the things you do and the places you go. You will be provided guidance and support on how to use everyday activities to promote learning so that your child is receiving the best quality intervention.
Intervention = comes from the child's natural caregivers, who are usually parents and other caregivers. You provide the most effective practice, encouragement and guidance for your child to help him/her succeed.
Service = the professional activity from your Early On provider to ensure you have interventions you can use all the time between home visits, when child learning really happens.
a Referral
Place an Early On referral (age 0-3) by completing an online form at Early On of Michigan or by calling 1-800-Early-On (1-800-327-5966).
Free developmental questionnaire
If you do not want to make a referral, but are still curious about your child’s development, you can take a free developmental questionnaire thanks to Help Me Grow Washtenaw. The screenings are available in English and Spanish.